Folk remedies against parasites

Parasites are living things that survive at the expense of other organisms, such as animals, humans, and plants. There are more than two types of intestinal parasites that can be found in the human body and cause many negative symptoms. Especially often parasitic organisms inhabit children, because the child's body is not fully formed and is sensitive to external influences.

worms in the human intestine Figure 1

Worm infestation is a dangerous disease caused by parasitic organisms - worms. The body needs to share with them nutrients, nutrients and vitamins. Pinworms and roundworms that live in the body feed on food that the host receives from the intestines, absorbing all the substances necessary for life.

Methods of infection

The most common oral-fecal route is through the mouth. In this case, there are two ways to enter it:

  • Geooral - they enter the esophagus with hands, household items, food, as well as feathers contaminated with soil particles containing cysts of invasive eggs and protozoa, pet hair. In this way you can be infected with ascariasis, giardiasis, enterobiasis, cysticercosis, toxocariasis, echinococcosis;
  • Xenotrophic - when eating fish and animal meat that has not been properly heat-treated in the human body, it appears if the meat has larvae. Thus, you can become infected with trichinosis, toxoplasmosis and other infections.
worms in the human intestine Figure 2

There are other ways of infection:

  1. Method of contact: passive (transmitted through the genitals) and can be active (a person is infected through the skin while bathing in freshwater reservoirs);
  2. Airborne transmission is less common, but airborne pneumocysts can enter the body in this way;
  3. Transmissible transmission (through the blood) is characteristic of infection with filariasis. The larvae are carried by blood-sucking insects. As a rule, this disease occurs in warmer countries closer to the equator;
  4. Transplacental route - born into the body of the unborn child. This way you can get toxoplasmosis.

In the process of evolution, parasites have developed properties that expand their ability to settle in the human body. This applies to the productivity of parasites. For example, a worm can produce up to 25, 000 eggs a day, a roundworm up to 200, 000, and a tapeworm more than 4 million eggs a day.

Therefore, in the air around us, in household items, food, pets, eggs, larvae and cysts, even if the rules of hygiene are observed, they are often in the water. People are often infected with parasites due to improper adherence to the technology of cooking meat or fish dishes. For example, in carp, at least 20% saline solution is used during salting to defeat opisthorchiasis larvae, and the salting period should be at least 2 weeks. After such processing, no one is likely to want to eat fish.

It turns out that only a person with excellent immunity and high body resistance can not worry about being infected with parasites, and such people are very rare.

Symptoms of parasites in the body

A number of characteristic symptoms will tell you that parasites are present in the body. There are quite a few symptoms and it is difficult to distinguish them from the symptoms of other diseases. The list of symptoms is as follows:

  • Constipation. If the parasites in the intestines grow to a large size, they close the intestinal passage. Excessive occupation can also block the bile ducts, which can lead to constipation;
  • Diarrhea. Some parasites, especially protozoa, produce substances that thin the feces in the intestines during their stay in the host's body, causing diarrhea. Therefore, diarrhea may indicate the presence of parasites and not just poisoning with low quality products;
  • Swelling and gas. When the parasites are in the small intestine, this area becomes inflamed and gas production increases;
  • Nervous system syndrome. Parasites irritate the intestinal mucosa, causing inflammation, which is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms and a decrease in the absorption of food, especially fats from food. Instead of being absorbed in the small intestine, fatty acids are sent to the bulk, where they cause spasms, diarrhea, and constipation;
  • Pain in the muscles and joints. Parasites can move in the human body to settle in the most attractive places for them: muscles and joint fluids. When this happens, the person feels pain and perceives it as a sign of arthritis. In addition, inflammatory and painful symptoms in the joints may be the result of tissue damage caused by worms or the immune system's response to parasites;
  • Allergic manifestations - the toxic waste products of worms are able to activate the body's immune response in the form of synthesis of an increasing number of eosinophils - protective cells and immunoglobulin E;
  • Skin problems - skin rashes, eczema, acne, papillomas, age spots, itching, dermatitis and other unpleasant reactions due to parasites can begin;
  • Anemia. Certain types of parasites actively absorb nutrients from the human intestine. If there are many such parasites, then they can cause serious blood loss, which leads to a decrease in iron levels in the blood and anemia. This symptom is characteristic of the defeat of Trichomonas and other protozoa;
  • Changes in body weight. Both weight loss and weight gain can indicate the presence of worms. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. Weight gain may be due to "robbery" of the body. The feeling of hunger increases, a person begins to eat more often and more often. To normalize weight, you first need to get rid of parasites in the body;
  • Irritability, nervousness, anxiety. Toxic elements secreted by parasites irritate the central nervous system. Feelings of anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances are often the result of this poisoning. These symptoms disappear as a result of the action of means to get rid of worms;
  • Bruxism is the clenching of teeth while a person is sleeping. This symptom is observed in a child and an adult;
  • Weakening of the body's immune system, frequent colds and viral diseases;
  • Inflammation of the respiratory tract, cough, fever, runny nose.

Folk remedies against parasites in the human body

People resort to various antiparasitic drugs - tablets sold in pharmacies. However, many of them are toxic to the body and can cause serious intoxication if taken uncontrolled or if doses are not followed. Therefore, treatment with folk remedies does not lose its relevance.

How to properly fight parasites with traditional medicine? Folk remedies not only cleanse the body of settled parasites, but also facilitate the restoration of well-coordinated functioning of all systems and organs. It is important to maintain liver function after removing parasites, as it is the main filter from bacteria and toxins.

Linen against parasites

To properly treat worms, traditional medicine recommends taking flax seeds. They can be consumed in pure form or in the form of decoction. It is necessary to grind the raw material in a coffee grinder and add the obtained powder to food, ready meals or dough for bread at home. Such a product will be an excellent preventive agent for every family member. You can also eat all the seeds with purified water - two tablespoons every morning and evening.

flax seeds for parasites

Attention!Flaxseed oil also has antiparasitic properties, but is less effective than seeds.

Cleansing plant collection

It is recommended to clean the intestinal system, liver and other organs from parasites with the help of natural herbs. The collection includes the following plants: buckthorn bark, oak bark, wormwood, tansy, anawort. All these products are mixed in equal proportions. To prepare the broth, use a tablespoon of the mixture and half a liter of boiling water. The tool should be insisted in a closed bowl for about 10 hours - it is better to do it at night and you can drink in the morning. Recommended dose: 100 ml on an empty stomach every day for 14 days. Herbal tea helps to remove parasites, strengthen the body and improve the condition of the liver.

Pumpkin seeds

Fighting at home will be effective with pumpkin seeds. They are known for their anthelmintic properties due to the presence of cucurbitin, a toxic component for parasites. There are several recipes that use pumpkin seeds. The most effective is the composition of seeds and honey.

pumpkin seeds for parasites

To obtain the drug, 300 grams of seeds are used, crushed to a powdery consistency, honey is added to it - 2 tbsp. Some recipes also add garlic. The product should be mixed well and consumed on an empty stomach in the morning. Then you need to wait three hours and take an enema or laxative to allow intestinal parasites to leave the body.


Sbiten is a healing drink that helps remove worms from the body. Suitable for both adults & childrenIt also strengthens the immune system and cleanses the body. You need to take 200 ml of high quality honey to eat, dilute it in 1 liter of water. Boil the mixture, add to each one teaspoon of ginger root, cinnamon, cardamom, grated bay leaf. All this is brewed for half an hour. Then the product should be filtered and drunk hot.

sbiten to eliminate parasites

Soda treatment

Soda helps fight invasions quickly and effectively. If they are located in the body of a child, it is recommended to enema with a solution of soda - 1 teaspoon dissolved in a liter of water. Prior to such an enema, the bowels should be emptied using natural bowel movements or regular water enemas. Soda water should be stored in the intestines for up to 30 minutes. These procedures are repeated every day for a week.

Aloe juice treatment

The remedy based on aloe juice has a double effect - it helps to heal and strengthen the body. The course of treatment is very long - at least three months. To prepare the mixture, use 10 ml of olive oil or castor oil, the same amount of juice from aloe leaves, a tablespoon of lemon juice. In the first month, you should take the drug in the morning and evening - twice a day. And to maintain the effect for the next two months, the agent is taken only in the morning.

Garlic and kefir

The effectiveness of garlic has long been proven. It is very easy to use. In the morning on an empty stomach should eat ten small cloves of garlic, then drink with kefir or other fermented milk drink. The main thing is that this liquid is slippery so that a person can easily swallow the cloves of garlic.

garlic to eliminate parasites

It is important!When cleansing the body with garlic, it should be swallowed whole. You can not chew, otherwise the plant will be digested in the stomach and will not bring the expected result. If the clove is intact, then it will only begin to develop in the intestines where the worms live.

Pomegranate peels

Pomegranate peel therapy has an excellent effect, but in this case it is important to consider the correct dose, as this antiparasitic agent can cause large amounts of intoxication. Take 10 grams of dried bark and fill it with a glass of boiling water. The product is kept in a water bath for about 10 minutes. It is then cooled and filtered. Take a teaspoon three times daily before meals. This tool not only eliminates unwanted guests, but also helps to cleanse the liver. It should be remembered that this tool is not suitable for children.

Methods of prevention

To prevent parasites from escaping your body, you should follow the generally accepted preventive measures:

  • Always monitor your personal hygiene. After washing the skin with warm water and soap, parasite eggs and larvae do not remain on its surface. Hands should be washed every time you visit public places, in transport, in the store and on the street, as well as after using the toilet and always before eating. Remember to change your bedding and underwear. These items should be washed and ironed in hot water - the parasite eggs do not survive after this procedure;
  • Pay due attention to the processing of products. This is not just about meat and fish. Larvae can be found in any vegetable, fruit, grass. Therefore, they should be washed thoroughly and rinsed with hot water;
  • Do not drink tap water. There are many larvae in tap water. This liquid should be drunk only after boiling;
  • Avoid swimming in untested freshwater pools. Many of them are inhabited by parasites that can penetrate human skin. Sometimes it is enough to soak your feet or wash your hands in water for infection;
  • Include worm-fighting foods in your diet: garlic, hot peppers, raw carrots, pumpkin seeds, etc.
  • Fight any insects that enter the house. They often carry the larvae of harmful parasites. For example, flies, prickly pears, mosquitoes, and tree lice carry eggs in their bodies;
  • If you have pets, such as dogs and cats, you should monitor their hygiene and disinfect the animal's toilet regularly.

If parasites enter the body, you need to start fighting them immediately. You should not use only folk methods for this. Such a problem should be referred to a doctor so that he can prescribe an effective complex treatment.